Saturday, June 9, 2012


As what i've told you before i'll tell you about my drawings. Here they are...

I made this pure because im boring. Claude Monet really inspired me in this drawing. I made it using colored pencil and little edited to make it brighter. I thought it's kind of impressionist style. hahaha

And this second drawing totally awful,you agree right? But,it's really describe what i'm exactly. you see,the title is 'Original Self Portrait'. I used dark color because of  my mood right when i drew it,and take a look on my hair there ,hahahahaha,SOOO MESSY! i don't want talking bullshit,but that's the real me,if you know me closer,like my buddy,you must be see me as a messy tomboy girl,and i can't denied it -__- haha. But i try to make it as relevant as the original me. You know.Affandi inspired me while i drew this.  Last year i visited his museum and saw his self portrait painting. C'EST FORMIDABLE!!! 

Nah,picture above is Affandi's self portrait painted by himself using his hand directly without brush. Amazing,right? He really inspired me. (how many times i told this? haha)
And i think some similarity between my drawing and his. Too much different? yes. The similarity? For usual people might think it's so messy and can't understand. But it's the plus point,how he expressed himself and think himself is like that. 
Pablo Picasso also my greatest inspiration. He's the most brilliant artist all the time (after Da Vinci,of course). He could drawing in any styles and expressed his creative mind in different ways. But of course the most known of him is his Cubism. And he succesfully makesme amazed of his paintings. How many times i try to drawing like his famous style,it always awful. Take a look to Picasso's Masterpieces :

Picasso's 'Guernica'

Picasso's 'Mirror'
Picasso's 'La Reve'

Picasso's 'La Bouteille De Vin'

So,that's just some of so many inspired paintings from Picasso. Take a look on the Picasso's "Mirror", I really amazed with that,so when my teacher ask the students to make a picture of anything to presented in Farewell Night,i make this :

You see,Picasso is my biggest inspiration!!! I make it in two days. You know,when inspiration comes,no wasting time i'll draw it as soon as possible and try to finish it as quick as i can,bcs it's hard to find good mood in another time. I got perfectt score for this picture,even my teacher can't believe what i've made,hahahahaha. He even asked me 'Are you really made it without help from anyone?' He really underestimate me,tho hahahahaha. But i just take it easy,cause he doesn't know the real me :D. Anyway,everyone is amazed by my drawing,yeah,frankly,this my greatest masterpiece,i couldn't bear anything after make this,that's my weakness. Waiting for inspiration to come,or my body is too slothful to drawing because i have no inspiration. Or if i try to make it the result will be sooooooo horryfying! Maybe because of it my teacher doesn't believe me,yeah to be honest i never take serious the drawing task. i just do it to gain score not for improvement or to show off. I think it's nasty for people who wanna get attention using their ability,i thought they could use it for another useful things. And i love my beautiful drawing there,my first awesome masterpiece hahahaha :D. Another time i'll make another masterpiece with inspiration from Maestro Picasso :).

That's enough for talking about painting and drawing. I just couldn't stop if i talk about artists and their masterpieces,because it's hard to find people who had common interest like me : talking about art. My friends are too shallow minded to talk about it . (not mean to be arrogant,but it's the truth) And i need to develop myself better. Next time maybe i'll continue with another story about my goals,my worry,and everything :). Au Revoir!!

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